GRUBEE SkyHawk GT5-SR SUPER RAT 66cc/80cc Angle Fire Slant Head Bike Motor Kit (Standard Finish)
Skills & Experience:
The buyer may need some basic hardware skills, tools, and it takes roughly around 2-3 hours to install and to do some adjustments and fine tuning.
Notices and Disclaimer:
- We cannot guarantee that this kit will fit your specific individual bike(s).
- Due to California Air Resource Board (CARB) regulations we cannot sell to California Residence at this time.
- Operating a bike, motorized bicycle or bike with a bicycle engine kit installed involves some risk of serious bodily injury. Buyer accepts responsibility for any and all vehicle operation that may lead to personal injury, economic loss, social distress, other losses, costs and damages.
- Seller is not responsible for injuries and/or damages resulting from operating this motorized bicycle or bicycle engine kit.
- Seller is not responsible for misuse of this kit or any warranty after installation.
- Not all motorized bicycles are allowed for on road use.
- We make no guarantee as to the road legality of these bike motors.
Disclaimer: Down through the years China bike engine factories have always advertised their biggest engine as 80cc therefore we have listed them the same way on our website. However, the bore and stroke of an 80cc being 47x38mm only equals 66cc. Therefore there is no such thing as an 80cc bike motor and it truly does not exists and we want to make sure that you are aware of this.
Our gasoline operated products are NOT compliant with Environmental Protection Agency ( E.P.A. ) or California Air Resources Board (C.A.R.B) for the use on/off Public roads. Upon purchase, the buyer agrees to use products for racing (closed-course competition) only and NOT for on/off public roads.
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